Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta
The Foundation is a nonprofit organization managed by a Board of Trustees consisting of fifteen members of the Kiwanis Club of Atlanta.
Serving as the Club's fundraising body, the Foundation conducts an annual campaign during which it solicits donations from Club members in lieu of having members give their time in fundraising events.
The Foundation encourages members to make gifts as memorials to departed members or friends and in honor of members for a particular accomplishment or event. Donations can be made by check, made payable to The Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, and list the name of the individual being recognized in the Memo. For contributions over $100, credit card donations are accepted by clicking the link below. Club members are also encouraged to remember the Foundation in their estate planning.
All donations are deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.
The Foundation supports the Club’s annual service projects by providing grant funding from the previous year’s campaign along with investment earnings from the Foundation’s endowment fund.
In 2022 more than $275,000 in Foundation grant funding was awarded to youth-serving organizations serving the children of metropolitan Atlanta.
For a 2023 Pledge Form ... CLICK HERE.
To make a contribution to the Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta ... CLICK HERE.
To learn how to make a Planned Gift to the Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta ... CLICK HERE.
Gifts should be made Payable to The Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, and sent to PO Box 14104, Atlanta, GA 30324.