Online Registration
  • Registration for this event is now closed.
Atlanta Kiwanis
Loudermilk Conference Center
40 Courtland St
Atlanta, GA 30303
United States of America

Mary Wearn is President of Georgia Humanities. Please visit the KCA speaker page for complete bio information!

Luncheon fee is $25, payable by cash, check (made payable to Kiwanis Club of Atlanta), Zelle to  or bill to member account.

Registration is Free for Regular and Corporate Members.

Associate, Satellite, Emeritus and Honorary Members who make a reservation by Thursday, Noon, prior to the luncheon, will receive a $5 discount.

Parking Fee is $1.50.  Please park in the parking deck adjacent to the Loudermilk Center.  If you don’t have a parking card, bring your parking ticket inside to receive a validation.