The Kiwanis Club of Atlanta would like to congratulate ALL members who achieved or added another year to their perfect attendance records! 
Perfect attendance is earned when members attend 46 or more qualifying meetings in a Kiwanis club year.  Qualifying meetings include luncheon meetings, interclubs, attendance at committee or board meetings and attendance at service projects and special events.  Below is our list of all members with perfect attendance.  Those in bold face earned perfect attendance for the first time, or added another year to their record.  Congratulations! 
JackMcFarland49 SandyWelfare7
TomAdams42 SusanAnderson6
TonyCallaway36 MikeSkrynecki6
KarenLosin25 CarolWesley6
NancyBedford21 JimWylie6
KathyKite21 TomCross5
JebHowell20 HankFellows5
ChuckBruce18 DunningSilliman5
FiroozIsrael18 FrankBell4
GeorgeWieder18 KarenCarlisle4
HeidyBrusitus17 ThorntonKennedy4
AlanElsas17 ScottSikes4
MikeHalpin16 DickStephens4
BlakeYoung16 GenePearce3
JimDuffie15 BillWhitaker3
JuliusLee15 SusanAdams2
ErniePrickett13 DonnaBarwick2
SusanPrutzman13 AytchChaney2
AnneSkae12 DanielGerding2
MikeSzalkowski12 GeorgeKalafut2
PhilSmith11 RodgersLunsford2
BarbaraHill10 SamSnider2
JohnO'Kane10 DickTeters2
MichaelButkus9 JillThornton2
Mary PatCrouch9 EmilyAcker1
MarburyRainer9 NorrisBroyles1
MasonStephenson9 JoelCowan1
DavidMoore8 RichardMaddox1
GloriaTippin8 RussWagner1
Dan Douglass7 TimWright1