If you have a desire to serve on the Kiwanis Club of Atlanta Board of Directors, now is the time to submit your name for consideration!  All qualified members who express an interest to serve will be on a list for potential nomination.  Members will complete their nomination forms at the meetings on March 7 and 14, and those persons receiving at least 10 nominations will have their name submitted on the ballot for election at our club's annual election on April 4, 2017.
To qualify as a board of director, you must be a member in good standing (current on dues and have made a contribution or pledge to the Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta) and have served in a prior leadership position with the club as a chair or vice chair of a committee.
If you would like to submit your name, please send your request to Ernie Prickett, chair of nominations and leadership development committee, kiwanisclubatlanta@gmail.com by March 3, 2017.